Information Technology

Parity Plus One, Inc. was founded in 1994 as an IT solutions provider for local K-12 school districts in the southern Illinois area. Since then, we have expanded our business to all industries. We specialize in database design and development, Excel spreadsheet design, macros and automation. We can help your business run more profitably and efficiently.
Software that is currently available include applications for all the business requirements for a K-12 school district, including fund accounting, payroll, purchase orders, budget planner, cafeteria, bus management, student software including registration, attendance, scheduling, grade reporting, and athletic eligibility.
Over the years, Parity Plus One, Inc. has branched out into other areas. Our company can design custom applications based upon your company's specific needs. In addition to the school administration software, we have developed a basketball stats application, radon home inspection software and report automation for numerous office applications. We have also gotten into the photography business, specializing in sports/action photos for baseball, basketball, hockey, softball, track, ultimate and volleyball. We've even done some high school senior pictures.
Where did the name Parity Plus One come from? Back in 1994, when trying to establish a name for our family based company, we decided to use the first two letters of Patty, Rick and Tyler to establish Parity. Our daughter Taylor had not been born yet, so she became the Plus One in our company name of Parity Plus One, Inc.
For more information on our company, products or services, please call us at 618-558-1010 or email us at
IT Services

Parity Plus One, Inc. is an IT solutions provider of custom programming services, specializing in Access databases, Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, Office macros and automation of business processes.
No matter what your business is, we can help you improve it with a custom designed software application tailored to your specific needs and requirements. Our solutions can effectively improve your business processes, streamline and automate your office tasks, and allow your company that competitive edge to retain your customers.
With today’s technology, we can provide our services to you regardless of your location. With the ability to communicate via phone, email, web meetings and remote desktop connectivity, we can handle any size project for you.
We are a small, privately owned company, and we make a living by giving our customers the results they need at affordable prices. Please call us at 618-558-1010 or email us at for a free consultation and estimate. We guarantee your satisfaction with our professionalism and competitive rates!
Family Photos

Sports Photos

Alzheimer's disease (ALZ) is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States and the only cause of death among the top 10 in the United States that cannot be prevented, cured or even slowed. More than 5 million Americans are living with the disease. 16.1 million Americans provide unpaid care for people with ALZ or other dementias. These caregivers provided over 18.4 billion hours of care valued at over 323 billion dollars. 1 in 3 seniors dies with ALZ or another type of dementia. It kills more than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. Early and accurate diagnosis could save up to 7.9 trillion dollars in medical and care costs.

Our family has been directly affected by ALZ. Our Dad, Jim Klingelhoefer, was diagnosed with ALZ several years before he died on April 22, 2014 at the age of 85. Our Mom, Delores Klingelhoefer, died June 1, 2018 at the age of 86 due to complications of the disease.

We are trying to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s. We are supporters of the Alzheimer’s association and we encourage you to be a supporter as well. The Alzheimer's Association is the world’s leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research. Their mission is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. Their vision is a world without Alzheimer’s.
​As you can probably tell, purple is the official color to identify the Alzheimer’s disease.
We want to raise awareness by going purple to show our passion for the cause.
Information about the Alzheimer’s association can be found at
More than 5 million Americans have Alzheimer's. Everyone can help. Sign up for regular email updates to learn what you can do.
Help persuade Congress to address the needs and rights of people with Alzheimer's and their families.
Your tax-deductible donation helps support vital research and essential support programs and services.
Every 68 seconds someone develops Alzheimer's. Learn the facts and help change the numbers.
For more information about the Alzheimer's Association, click here.

Bus Management
This school bus management system was designed to track trips, daily runs and extra runs made by all drivers within the school district. Information that is captured and reported includes the date, driver, destination, mileage, depreciation, hours, meals, fuel, and reason for the trip. Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly reports are available, both as predefined reports and on demand custom reports. Information from this system can be reported/interfaced to the payroll system that is being used within the district.
To see sample screen shots of this bus management system, click here.
To get updates for the bus management system on our Downloads page, click here.
For more information on our bus management system, please call us at 618-558-1010 or email us at
Radon Software
Radon Safe Inspection Software was designed and developed by Rick Klingelhoefer, President of Parity Plus One, Inc. with the help of Larry Feilner, Owner and Licensed Home/Radon Inspector of Safe Place Environmental of Highland, IL.
About the Software
Radon Safe Software was designed and developed to provide the Radon inspector with an efficient and automated way to handle the Radon inspection process and provide their customers timely and useful information regarding the Radon results of their property.
Radon Safe Software captures all the pertinent information required for a Radon inspection report. The current software conforms to the state of Illinois requirements. The software is capable of handling other state’s requirements as needed.
Data is collected from continuous Radon monitors and imported into the database. This detailed information is then summarized and then reported to the customer in a Radon inspection report.
To see an example of the Radon inspection report, click here.
To see screen shots of the software, click here.
To go to the test4radon website, click here.
To get updates for the radon database on our Downloads page, click here.
For more information on our Radon application, please call us at 618-558-1010 or email us at

Contact Info
Rick Klingelhoefer
Fairview Heights, IL 62208
9 Shellie Court